Video Tutorial

Watch how to produce a valide csv file for data parsing, and use corpus explorer script:



This video demonstrates how to build a corpus from txt files, enrich it with proper time steps and use distant reading script:



See how to use advanced options in Network Mapping script with this video:



Other advanced options (regarding term extraction and network mapping) are shown in this other video showing how to work with a Twitter dataset.



This last video demonstrates the capacity offered by Word Embedding methods (word2vec):



Be aware that new options may be added to the existing scripts such that the forms may be organized slightly differently in the actual interface. Visit the community blog and ask a question! All videos were produced by Gabriel Varela.


The two latest training materials

An additional deck of documents is found in our training materials section.

[English] Introduction to text analysis using Cortext by Olha Nahorna

The cours  is proposed for master students in economy of innovations. The idea is to make quick overview with basics of text analysis and introduction to CorText Management. Objectives of the cours: ● Plan : Intro 2h , practical...

[French] Présentation pour l’Association des Diplômés de l’École de Bibliothécaires

Mettre en place un dispositif de veille complet, efficace et peu coûteux avec Inoreader, WordPress et CorTexT Vidéo de Mathieu Andro pour l’Association des Diplômés de l’École de Bibliothécaires Documentalistes (ADEBD): analyser un corpus de veille avec l’Intelligence Artificielle de CorTexT. Les 17...