How to cite CorTexT Manager

This page specifies the way CorTexT Manager should be cited when used by researchers for any kind of analyses provided by the platform.

Option 1. Cite CorTexT Manager with APA

The first option that you have to cite cortext is with APA format.

Breucker P., Cointet J., Hannud Abdo A., Orsal G., de Quatrebarbes C., Duong T., Martinez C., Ospina Delgado J.P., Medina Zuluaga L.D., Gómez Peña D.F., Sánchez Castaño T.A., Marques da Costa J., Laglil H., Villard L., Barbier M. (2016). CorTexT Manager (version v2). URL:

APA Example

Option 2. Cite CorTexT Manager with BibLaTeX

This is the preferred option to cite CorTexT Manager and can be used with the software extension of BibLaTeX.

  keywords = {natural language processing, social network analysis, geospatial analysis, descriptive statistics, scientometrics, biliometrics},
  title = {CorTexT Manager},
  author = {Breucker, Philippe and Cointet, Jean-Philippe and Hannud Abdo, Alexandre and Orsal, Guillaume and de Quatrebarbes, Constance and Duong, Tam-Kien and Martinez, Cristian and Ospina Delgado, Juan Pablo and Medina Zuluaga, Luis Daniel and Gómez Peña, Diego Fernando and Sánchez Castaño, Tatiana Andrea and Marques da Costa, Joenio and Laglil, Hajar and Villard, Lionel and Barbier, Marc},
  abstract = {Over the last decades, whether documents, databases or online contents, including social media, the digital traces associated with human activities in society have experienced a sustained growth in volume and a wide diversification. They represent a renewed pl8ayground for social sciences and humanities, shifting the fields studied and renewing research questions and methods. CorTexT Manager started at this crossroads, within a research infrastructure aiming in particular at identifying and gathering methods in order to assist and structure the approaches of the researchers that use it.  The main goal of CorTexT Manager is that a social scientist, or any other user, could come with a research question and leave with the fruits of a computational method suited to their question. Cortext Manager facilitates the analysis of complex heterogeneous networks, crossing social networks with semantic networks. It also offers capabilities to identify place names mentioned in documents and to analyze the associated dynamics across the geographical space, as well as heterogeneous topic modeling methods.  While continuing to move forward on the scientific and technical fronts, CorTexT Manager’s functional design has been driven by a strong principle that still differentiates it: to offer users the ability to combine different methods and analyses without leaving the application.},
  date = {2016-10-28},
  month = {10},
  year = {2016},
  editor = {Marc Barbier and Lionel Villard},
  institution = {CorTexT Platform, Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire Sciences Innovations Sociétés (LISIS)},
  version = {v2},
  url = {},
  urldate = {2022-01-31},
  repository = {},

BibLaTeX Example

Option 2. Cite CorTexT Manager with BibTeX

This option is based on BibTeX format and it’s a good alternative when option 1 is not available.

  keywords = {natural language processing, social network analysis, geospatial analysis, descriptive statistics, scientometrics, biliometrics},
  author = {Breucker, Philippe and Cointet, Jean-Philippe and Hannud Abdo, Alexandre and Orsal, Guillaume and de Quatrebarbes, Constance and Duong, Tam-Kien and Martinez, Cristian and Ospina Delgado, Juan Pablo and Medina Zuluaga, Luis Daniel and Gómez Peña, Diego Fernando and Sánchez Castaño, Tatiana Andrea and Marques da Costa, Joenio and Laglil, Hajar and Villard, Lionel and Barbier, Marc},
  month = {10},
  title = {CorTexT Manager},
  url = {},
  year = {2016}

BibTeX Example

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