Any script freezes at 10% and problem uploading

Cortext Manager Q&A forumCategory: Something elseAny script freezes at 10% and problem uploading
Davide Rizzo asked 2 years ago

Hi there,
since yesterday (2022-10-09) I have had unclear problems with the platform.
First: I launched a topic extraction that stayed at 10% progress for more than one day, after which I stopped it because I was thinking too resource-demanding. The database is composed of 26k items from a WOS query.
Today I tried to upload a zip file containing a plain text extraction from a new WOS query. Impossible to upload it for an undefined error. So I tried to run a simpler script, and whatever I chose, it stopped at 10% of progress.
I log out and log in again with two different accounts, and also tried to create a new project. The behaviour remained the same: undefined error when uploading (even zip files that have worked fine in the past) and whatever script freezer at 10%.
Is this a problem just on my side? I can invite you to the project if needed to check directly.
Thank you in advance for your help. And thanks again for this wonderful open tool and all the resources you made available for the community.
Kind regards, Davide

2 Answers
Best Answer
Lionel Staff answered 2 years ago

Dear Davide,
Since yesterday evening we are facing technical problems at the university level. We are doing our best to restore all services.
Please be patient, they will be back to normal soon.
The CorTexT team

Davide Rizzo replied 2 years ago

Thank you very much Lionel for your prompt reply.
Wishing you all the best to solve the problem.
Thanks again for your hard work.

Lionel Staff answered 2 years ago

All jobs that were pending since Friday night have been reprocessed. Please check that the results are consistent.
Thank you for using CorTexT Manager!