Bibliographic coupling

Beadavi asked 3 years ago

Is it possible to use the network mapping script to do a bibliographic coupling analysis on the references composing the corpus (and not an analysis of the co-citations of the cited references)?
Thanks in advance
Have a nice day

Lionel Staff replied 3 years ago

see below

1 Answers
Lionel Staff answered 3 years ago

Dear Beatrice,
You want to measure and map similarity between documents (or another variable linked to your documents) based on the proximity between the references mentioned in each document?
If yes, you just need to perform a Network Mapping analysis, using a _het metric.

  1. In the nodes panel: choose two different fields
  2. In the edges panel: choose a proximity measure that feet to heterogeneous networks. Cosine_het should feet to your need.
  3. In the edges panel: chose if you want to map both entities or only the first ones (linked through the linkages of the second variables). In your case just let the default parameter, cosine should fit
  4. In the Network Analysis & Layout panel: choose Louvain resolution community detection algorithm

I hope it helps