Country and citation data from Scopus

CorText Manager Q&A forumCategory: Data processingCountry and citation data from Scopus
andy yeung asked 4 years ago

Dear experts,
I have two questions. The first is that at the Data Parsing analysis, it seems the country data of the publications is not directly there in the zipped RIS downloaded from Scopus. Does that mean if I want to run Demography to see changes in country frequencies over time, I need to run Geocoding Addresses first? Or can I somehow download the country information from Scopus to see the time trends in their frequencies?
My second question is regarding journal citations. I see the documentation about Network Mapping says it is possible to show citing journal-cited journal network. However, I cannot understand the meaning of the network map generated, it seems the edges got no directionality. My goal is to see the relationship of Referenced journals <– Publication journals <– New citations journals. My dataset comes from Scopus search for the middle one, Publication journals (papers). For example, for my collection of papers mainly published in chemistry journals, they quoted a lot of geoscience references, but they were cited by many biology journals. To illustrate something like that. So I can compare 2 collections of papers to see how they are different. This first step is static. The second step of this relationship is to evaluate its temporal changes. Would be grateful if you could guide me through this.
Thank you very much for your help!
Best regards, Andy

1 Answers
Lionel Staff answered 4 years ago

Dear Andy,
When parsing a RIS Scopus dataset, which include author, countries and cities are automatically extracted based on their positions on the addresses (coma). This country and city variables may contain few irrelevant information (as states codes in some countries for cities).
You may want to analyse the spatial distribution in a more fine-grained way. In that case geographical coordinates would be useful for you. Run our  geocoding engine with default parameter on your address field and, eventually, refine your geocoded addresses for those which are not well located. To map your geographical coordinates, you may want also run our CorText Geospatial Exploration Tool.
If you want to use both geocoding and mapping tools, you will need to parse again your RIS Scopus dataset (since your question, we have added a small enhancement in order to support this).
I hope it helps
Best L