I made a coocurence keyword map on WOS references (KW author and ISI keywords) and asked that each reference be assigned to a unique cluster. How is the main belonging cluster determined, knowing that a reference can belong to several clusters?
Thank you in advance
Dear Beadavi,
As an example, I will take a corpus of documents with textual information (e.g. titles), where I run a lexical extraction. This lexical extraction extracts relevant keywords for each document.
Running a Mapping Network script with Extracted Keywords – Extracted Keywords, will build a semantic landscape with clusters of keywords. The documents will be projected onto those clusters through their extracted keywords.
So, the “Assign a unique cluster to each record (best match)” is at the document level https://docs.cortext.net/analysis-mapping-heterogeneous-networks/mapping/. It makes CorText Manager able to choose the best clusters (hightest weight) for each document.
This weight (relation between a document and a cluster) is calculated by summing the tf-idf of each extracted keyword for a cluster pondered by a measure of the importance of the keyword in that cluster.
I hope it helps!
Hello ,
Thank you for your response.
So the attribution of a reference to a cluster on the basis of the author keywords and ISI keywords is relevant, even if the number of occurrences of the terms in the document is always 0 or 1 since it is not free text?
Thank you in advance
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