Dictionary of equivalent strings

CorText Manager Q&A forumCategory: Text processingDictionary of equivalent strings
Beadavi asked 5 years ago

I wish to create a map of keyword cooocurences with data from the WOS. I have concatenated the data of the fields keywords authors and Keywords ISI (I get a KEYWORDfusion file) and I wish to group some terms and remove others before visualizing the cluster map. Which file format should I use? stem/main form/ forms separated with & or a variable in each column (first form, second etc)? Can I delete the variables directly in the variable dictionary by leaving the column “first form” empty for instance or should I delete them in the initial list keywords fusion and index from this new list?
Thank you in advance

Lionel Staff replied 5 years ago

See bellow

1 Answers
Lionel Staff answered 5 years ago

Dear Beatrice,

Does this video tutorial helps?

Kind regards
Lionel Villard

Beadavi replied 4 years ago

Thanks for the video. However, with the text extraction script it’s apparently only multi-terms that are analyzed, and most of the Keywords are monoterm and don’t appear.
Thanks in advance

Lionel Staff replied 4 years ago

Dear Beatrice,

If you want to analyzed monoterm, you should activate this option in CorText Manager :https://docs.cortext.net/lexical-extraction/#monograms