error with data parsing csv file

CorText Manager Q&A forumCategory: Data processingerror with data parsing csv file
thomasfranssen asked 4 years ago

Hi, I am trying to upload very simple data that consists of a column of journal names and associated keywords. The journal names are repeated. I have also included an id column as I thought that might have been the problem. I have followed the instructions from the video tutorial but keep getting ‘error log file not found’
Can someone help me out?

Lionel Staff replied 4 years ago

see below

1 Answers
Lionel Staff answered 4 years ago

Dear thomasfranssen,
Based on your description, you could structure your csv as followed: ids column | journal names column | keyword1***keyword2***keywordn
Where ids and journal names are not repeated (unic), and keywords for one journal are concatenated in one cell separated with ***.
This section on the documentation page may help your, the is an example that you can download.
Se, the steps are:
1/ Used tab separated csv format to separate the three columns.
2/ Zip your csv (utf8, tab separated) file
3/ Upload it
Parse it with robust csv, with default parameter
Enjoy 😊