Fewer nodes on the map than I asked for when launching the network mapping script. Why ?

CorText Manager Q&A forumCategory: Network mappingFewer nodes on the map than I asked for when launching the network mapping script. Why ?
Aurélien Féron asked 2 months ago

I have made a co-words network mapping with 500 nodes (node weigt by default, thus nodes weights scale with their cooccurrences sum). I did this after a “Corpus Terms Indexer” made from a custom terms list.
I have three questions:
– is it correct that the script proceeds in this order: first it calculates for each term in the list provided the sum of its co-occurrences, then ranks the terms according to this score, then calculates the “similarity” (according to the chosen proximity measure) only for the 500 nodes with the highest cooc-sum scores?
– why does the resulting network only contains “497 nodes” (according to the “Graph overview” in Explore tab in Retina)? Does this mean that the parameters I’ve chosen in the Edges tab result in 3 of the top 500 nodes being orphaned (i.e. not having a strong enough link with any other node on the map to appear on it)?
– how can I obtain a file in which the sum of co-occurrences of each term is specified? (I couldn’t find it neither in the “terms-expanded.tsv” file resulting from the indexation, nor in the “maps_output.zip” folder resulting from network mapping).
Thanks in advance for your reply!