Integrate the link of an interactive network in an article

CorText Manager Q&A forumCategory: Something elseIntegrate the link of an interactive network in an article
Méline Saubin asked 2 years ago

Dear Cortext team,

I am currently writing an article with figures from Cortext Manager, and I would like to know if it is possible to add the link to the online network of keywords, to allow the readers to access the full interactive network for complementary information.
I don’t know how long such links are maintained, would it be possible to know if the link will remain accessible after several years?

Thank you for your help,

1 Answers
Lionel Staff answered 2 years ago

Dear Méline,
Don’t worry, public links remain open for years: all public links since the beginning of CorText Manager v2 (2016) are still accessible.
There are two kinds of links:

  • Links accessible only for users that participate to the CorTexT Manager project (listed in the list of the participants of a given project).
  • Public links accessible for everyone.

Two double check your links are public: copy the link, open a private session in your favorite browser, paste the link. If your result or visualization is shown, it means it is a publicly accessible link.
I hope it helps!