Link references from WOS/cluster or coocurences keywords

CorText Manager Q&A forumCategory: Network mappingLink references from WOS/cluster or coocurences keywords
Beadavi asked 5 years ago

I have to analyse cooccurrence keywords from a WOS file. Is it possible to know in  to which references of a file a cluster of co occureded terms are linked ? Thanks by advance

Lionel Staff replied 5 years ago

Dear Béatrice,

What do you mean by “in to which references of a file a cluster of co occureded terms are linked” ?
Basically, you can know link between the scientific papers and the clusters you have built using the Corpus Explorer Tool.

See here :
Clusters are stored in PC_… variables. And you can add terms, titles or even ids…

I hope it helps.

1 Answers
Lionel Staff answered 5 years ago

See above