Not being able to query a new corpus.

CorText Manager Q&A forumCategory: Data explorationNot being able to query a new corpus.
matias.milia asked 6 years ago

Hi, I have tried all but I can’t find a way to extract a subcorpus and build a new database based on the custom time steps I have build with period detector. I am trying to do this in the last time step (number 2; 2008-2016) which is the most larger one and represents around the 75% of the whole database. According to my calculations, this would add up to around 200k entries. This are all the strategies I’ve tried:
Applied to ISIpubdate_custom:
data = ‘2’
data = ‘%2%’
data like ‘%2%’
Same field but with opposite condition:
data IN (‘0’, ‘1’)
data = ‘0’ OR ‘1’
Applied to the ISIpubdate:
data = ‘2008’ OR ‘2009’ OR ‘2010’ OR ‘2011’ OR ‘2012’ OR ‘2013’ OR ‘2014’ OR ‘2015’ OR ‘2016’
I manage to get one database but it was empty. Also, I manage to get databases for the first two periods 0 and 1; they work just fine. So I am stuck here, don’t know how to go around this. I always get this message:

Debug Log:
Error! Log file not found.
Start your code here

Any idea on how to get around this problem?

matias.milia replied 6 years ago

Just corrected the boolean terms applied to ‘ISIpubdate’, but still won’t make it. Checked on Corpus Explorer, and the data is there; so, no clue of what is going on. I copied year numbers and period numbers to avoid ‘hidden characters’ but it won’t work either.
Here the full script log, just in case.

2018-11-17 16:44:01 INFO : Script Query Corpus Started
2018-11-17 16:44:01 INFO :
Query Parameters:
Query Type: sql
target table name: ISIpubdate
condition: data = ‘2008’ OR data = ‘2009’ OR data = ‘2010’ OR data = ‘2011’ OR data
= ‘2012’ OR data = ‘2013’ OR data = ‘2014’ OR data = ‘2015’ OR data = ‘2016
Inverse the condition: false
Build an entirely new database excluding articles that do not match the query for every fields (*): true
output table/bdd name: Time2ok

2018-11-17 16:46:08 INFO : Executed query:INSERT INTO ISIAUTHORselid ( file, id, CompteDedata ) SELECT ISIpubdate.file,, Count( AS CompteDedata FROM ISIpubdate WHERE = ‘2008’ OR = ‘2009’ OR = ‘2010’ OR = ‘2011’ OR = ‘2012’ OR = ‘2013’ OR = ‘2014’ OR = ‘2015’ OR = ‘2016’ GROUP BY ISIpubdate.file,
2018-11-17 16:46:15 INFO : Creating a new database

matias.milia replied 6 years ago

Period slicer says, that has ‘ correctly finished ‘ .
I manage so see with ‘corpus explorer’ that at the ‘Pubdate_Cu’ (Custom Pub Date) field everything is ok. The value is correctly set at ‘2’.

2018-11-05 22:13:13 INFO : Period Slicer Started
2018-11-05 22:13:13 INFO :
Period slices definition:
Enter a custom time partition: ‘[1991:2000];[2001:2007];[2008:2016]’

2018-11-05 22:13:15 INFO : Creating time slices according to this time division: [‘1991_2000’, ‘2001_2007’, ‘2008_2016’]
2018-11-05 22:13:17 INFO : New Time table ISIpubdate_custom created
2018-11-05 22:13:17 INFO : Period Slicer correctly finished

matias.milia replied 6 years ago

Actually, just managed to access to cluster composition in the ‘network analysis’ based on specific time periods (detected with period slicer). Everything is at ‘’ at the folder ‘clusters’. I don’t know why I didn’t see this before, I know I looked for it; but sometimes it happens.
I will keep on working on this data, so the period slicing is not so relevant for the moment. Nevertheless, I have been experimenting problems with the script and this database before. Since I will probably still get them in the future, I leave this question open.

matias.milia replied 6 years ago

Actually, just managed to access to cluster composition in the ‘network analysis’ based on specific time periods (detected with period slicer). Everything is at ‘’ at the folder ‘clusters’. This was the main goal of trying to build new databases. I don’t know why I didn’t see this before, I know I looked for it; but sometimes it happens.
I will keep on working on this data, so the period slicing is not so relevant for the moment. Nevertheless, I have been experimenting problems with the script and this database before (when trying to slice using the ‘country’ field). I got support on this, should use for example:  data like ‘%Mexico%’. Last time I tried I got some sort of error as well. I will try it again in order to see if the error persist or not. If it doesn’t, I will close this question.