Problems with heatmaps

Yuri Saldarriaga asked 4 years ago

Dear Lionel,

I’m trying to create a heatmap, but I haven’t been able to so far. When I run the model, it shows a simple networking map, but not a heatmap. I have performed the following steps:

First Field: ISItermstermslistdemography
Second Field: filename_custom_editedyearandname_year
Number of nodes: ‘150’
Nodes advanced settings: false
Automatically define the Proximity Measure: true
Edges filtering advanced settings: false
Edges advanced settings: false
Choose Original Timescale: Standard Periods
Number of time slices: ‘1’
time slices distribution: homogeneous
Overlapping periods: false
sequencing: snapshot
Network Analysis and layout:
Community detection algorithm: louvain
Historical map: false
Project records onto clusters: true
Modify the name of the projected cluster: ”
Assign a unique cluster to each record (best match): true
Penalize large clusters when computing projections: false
Add information from a 3rd variable to tag clusters or  produce a heatmap: true
Choose the new field that should be used: ISItermseditedcontrastanalysis
Tagging/heatmap Specificity Measure: chi2_dir
Heatmap: true
Value of the field you wish to plot the heatmap of: favor
Use a logarithmic scale colormap: true
Manually set a maximal value for your heatmap(s): true
Maximum Value to show on the colormap: ‘100’
Choose a period length for a dynamic profiling of the projected entity: None
Advanced options if you are tagging clusters: false
Network analysis advanced settings: false

I do not understand what I am doing wrong, because I have followed the steps described in the documentation.

I would really appreciate your help!

Thank you very much,


4 Answers
Lionel Staff answered 4 years ago

Dear Yuri,

It may be a problem of uppercase or lowercase, or a specific missing string. Could you run a List Builder on this variable just before (on ISItermseditedcontrastanalysis if I have understood well) ?

It is a good strategy to find exactly how the term is written and be sur not to miss something.

I hope it helps


Yuri Saldarriaga answered 4 years ago

Thank for your answer, Lionel. I run a new List Builder on this variable, I changed the name and run again the model. However, it did not work. It still does not show a heatmap. Instead, it shows a simple networking map. I think that I am missing a step, but I have not been able to find where is the mistake. I have run the model changing parameters such as “Project records onto clusters”, “Use a logarithmic scale colormap”, etc, but it does not work. Any idea of what else I can do?

Lionel Staff answered 4 years ago

Could you please add me to your project? lionel dot villard at esiee dot fr
I will leave your project just after.

Best regards

Yuri Saldarriaga replied 4 years ago

Sure! The project where I’m working on is “Análisis total 4 (a)”

Lionel Staff answered 4 years ago

You are trying to map a a 3rd variable, with value “name” in the variable “filename_custom_heatmap_name”. But “name” does not exist as a value for this variable.
The values of “filename_custom_heatmap_name” are: “contra” or “favor”. So, you must pick one of the two values in oder to produced a heatmap (parameter: Value of the field you wish to plot the heatmap of). You can check the paramters I have used to produced a map.
I hope it helps