Problems with pasing db script

Cortext Manager Q&A forumCategory: Data processingProblems with pasing db script
leo zhang asked 2 years ago

Dear Cortaxt team,
greetings from china, thanks for your efforts and contributions to providing this great platform!
This is my first try at this.  My goal was to use this platform to generate a network map. I have downloaded the data from the CNKI database( which is a Chinese version of wos) the text file was Full Records and plain text. It has 37 text files and I zipped it as one zip file and upload it to cortext but it debugs with:

Debug Log:
2022-11-30 12:59:00  -  A filename in your dataset seems to include invalid characters, please remove any accent in the names of the files you are uploading, etc.

Then I combine 37text files into one csv file trying my scend approach, follow the video tutorial I try to do the network mapping. but it also debugs with:

2022-11-30 14:30:30 INFO : Generating map explorer interface data
2022-11-30 14:30:30 DEBUG : Apparently at least one of the network you produced is empty, please review the choice of your parameters (fields and proximity metric choice)

since it was my first try I sincerely apologize for my naive.
please advice.
looking forward to hearing from you

3 Answers
Lionel Staff answered 2 years ago

Dear Leo,
Could you invite me please in your project?
using: lionel dot villard at esiee dot fr ?
Best regards,

leo zhang replied 2 years ago

Hi Lionel

Thanks for the reply. The invite has been sent please confirm.


Lionel Staff answered 2 years ago

Dear Leo,
Apparently, I did not received any invitation.
lionel dot villard at esiee dot fr
dot <-> .
at <-> @
Best regards,

leo zhang replied 2 years ago

Dear Lionel,

Sorry for my mistake. I have sent the invitation accordingly.

Lionel Staff answered 2 years ago

Dear Leo,
Two comments:

  • You can not directly manipulate some exported text files from CNKI database, as this format is not supported by (yet ? :)) by CorTexT Manager, so you have to convert it, before uploading your corpus, in a supported format. And, csv is a good option!
  • When using CSV in CorTexT Manager, there are several rules for the data structure to follow: 1/ when having multiple values in one column, separate them by “****” 2/ use the tabulation separated format

See here for the full documentation for csv format:
I hope it helps!

leo zhang replied 2 years ago

Dear Lionel,

Thanks for your time and advice. I compared the corpus you uploaded with mine and realized I had misunderstood the workflow. I will keep trying to study on this platform and thanks for your help!
