symbols of journal and cited journal in inter-citation network

CorText Manager Q&A forumCategory: Network mappingsymbols of journal and cited journal in inter-citation network
orianabras asked 2 years ago

Dear friends, I have done an inter-citation network and it appears that the titles in upper case correspond to cited journals and titles in lower case correspond to published journals. This is contrary to their case when presented in demography. How do I know the correct correspondance in the network maps? Thank you very much for your attention.

1 Answers
Lionel Staff answered 2 years ago

Dear orianabras,
I a heterogeneous network (bipartite graph), in the Nodes selection panel:

  • the first selected field is shown in the network in lowercase (and represented by a proportion circle symbol)
  • the second selected field is shown in the network in uppercase (and represented by a proportion triangle symbol)

Whatever it the original format used to store the variable.
So, you just have to remember what is your selection for the first field and the second field.
I hope it helps!