Troubles with Map Explorer while accesing results from Network Mapping

Cortext Manager Q&A forumCategory: Network mappingTroubles with Map Explorer while accesing results from Network Mapping
matias.milia asked 6 years ago

I sense that there might be some kind of trouble with the Network Mapping script. I haven’t been able to access the results through Map Explorer. Maps in pdf are there and the results are solid.

I have run a network analysis in two periods. I get to see just the first one in map explorer. The maps are generated for both periods. It is not such a big deal, but at first, I panicked since I thought there was something wrong with my database. I assume, since no error message is displayed, that it might be something going on with the script. I’ve tried a couple of times with the same result, always with the same database.

I thought I should let you guys know. I will try again later and keep you posted.