Using Beetweness and In degree of keywords nodes to classify refrerences from WOS

Cortext Manager Q&A forumCategory: Network mappingUsing Beetweness and In degree of keywords nodes to classify refrerences from WOS
Beadavi asked 4 years ago

I would like to calculate the betweenness centrality of nodes from a gefx graph off coocurences Keywords. Are the data stored in beetweeness field? And what are the values stored in the in-degree field corresponding to?
The aim of this work is to find out which references contribute most to each cluster by calculating for each of them the score of the average obtained for all the keywords of the reference in order to rank them.
Do you think it is wise to use one of these two fields to obtain the desired result?
Thank you in advance for your answer

1 Answers
Lionel Staff answered 4 years ago

Dear Béatrice,
The betweenness centrality measure is already there in the gexf produced by each CorText Manager when running Network Mapping scripts.
It is stored in the > maps > maps_export_format > gexf where one if for the clusters and the other is for the nodes. Choose the one for the nodes to have the betweenness centrality measure.
The in-degree is a pure centrality measure at the node scale. In the gexf produced by CorText Manager, the in and out degree are the based on the weighted values for the links of the node.
I hope it helps!