Training materials | in English

Find here training materials in English produced by CorText, or kindly shared by CorText Manager community members, in different contexts: training sessions, courses…


[English] Introduction to text analysis using Cortext by Olha Nahorna

The cours  is proposed for master students in economy of innovations. The idea is to make quick overview with basics of text analysis and introduction to CorText Management. Objectives of the cours: ● Plan : Intro 2h , practical tasks (3h30) + Technical evaluation (30-45min) ● Learn a lot of new words ● Discover...

[English] Thematic and spatial analysis of technologies using CorText and RISIS

Technology considered as a key driver for economic growth is an important factor of economic analysis. Patents, provide powerful insights of technology development. In order to fully take advantage of these well codified markers of new knowledge, it is necessary to master tools and methodologies to dig into patent information. This 2,5 days workshop aims...

[English] Export abstracts from Scopus and run term extraction in Cortext Manager

Thanks to The Techno-Anthropology Lab (Aalborg University, Denmark), follow this video tutorial (no sound) which shows how to: Search and export large amounts of bibliographical documents from Scopus (using the csv export option, instead of the traditional RIS Scopus format); Prepare the corpus and upload it on CorText Manager; Explore and analyse it, running a...

[English] Investigate a controversy: a step-by-step guide with Network Mapping

Thanks to The Techno-Anthropology Research Group (Aalborg University, Denmark), follow this step-by-step tutorial which shows how to: Extract Wikipedia data using a python script on a subject and wikipedia API or download it; Structure the data in a spreadsheet; Explore and analyse the controversy using CorText Manager Network Mapping script. Written by Anders Kristian Munk: ...

[English] CorText two days training session

Modeling and mapping knowledge dynamics with CorText platform A web based digital platform for social scientists conducting empirical studies in the fields of Media Studies, Science and Technology Studies, Digital Humanities, etc. CorText is an open online service for heterogeneous data analysis, modeling and visualization Open registration: Paris, CorText 2 days...

[English] RISIS two days CorText training course

All these features are documented on the CorTexT Manager on line “Help web page” ( and a set of video tutorial is offered to users to enable basic actions . This web application has been plugged and tuned for the RISIS project and a specific Dashboard has been developed. To summarize, three level of documentation...