analysis authors/authors

CorText Manager Q&A forumCategory: Network mappinganalysis authors/authors
Agathe Riou asked 4 years ago

I’d like to do an authors/authors network mapping. Some publications in my corpus have a single authors (ex: John Smith) and others have severals which are separated by a coma ( ex : John Smith,Jack Smith). So when I do the authors/authors mapping, I have a node called John Smith and another one called John Smith,Jack Smith. But for the purpose of the analysis, I’d like to have the single authors related to all of their publication (not only the oes she/he wrote by him/herself).
How can I modify my authors list to make tha happen ?

Thank you and have a great day.

1 Answers
Jean-Philippe Cointet Staff answered 4 years ago

Dear Agathe, 
what you probably need is to first convert the Author variable such that CorText understands that commas should be interpreted as separators. 
Event once your corpus has been parsed, it’s still possible to do so using the data curation script which comes in handy to rename variables, delete variables, convert it, etc.
It also allows to split a given field according to any pattern (just indicate “,” (without the double quotes) as the splitting character).
Please let us know if it worked as expected !

Agathe Riou replied 4 years ago

I did it and it worked ! Thank you, it helps me so much!! Have a great day!

Agathe Riou replied 4 years ago

I did it and it worked ! Thank you, it helps me so much!! Have a great day!