cluster composition

orianabras asked 9 years ago

Dear colleagues, I have built co-citation maps and would like to explore the full composition of each cluster. I am having some difficulties in doing this and therefore would like to ask you: a) is the file “clusters.csv” the right place to see the cited references that compose each of the clusters in the map? b) can you please explain the columns “stream label”, “suprathematique label”, “data”, and “term”, in the “clusters.csv” file? Please let me know if I should better clarify my doubts. Thank you very much for the collaboration. Best, Oriana

orianabras replied 9 years ago

Merci beaucoup!

1 Answers
Jean-Philippe Cointet Staff answered 9 years ago

The clusters.csv indeed contains a lot of information some of them being superfluous. Weirdly enough the composition of the cluster is under the column Term. And the cluster name under column data.