Corpus Explorer Script not working for downloading .csv

Cortext Manager Q&A forumCategory: Data processingCorpus Explorer Script not working for downloading .csv
davidmoats asked 7 years ago

Firstly, congrats on a great program. Apologies if this is a stupid question: I noticed that for the past couple weeks the corpus explorer option does not seem to work for downloading a csv version of the data (when you click the eye button it simply downloads the .db file itself rather than showing you the interface to download. The corpus explorer script does allow you to see the database as a table but then there doesn’t seem to be a button for downloading. 
Is there something I’m missing here? Based on a previous response, I have downloaded SQlite manager but am not sure what to do to convert it into a single .csv (I’m not well versed with databases). Any ideas for downloading a .csv with the complexted terms extraction etc would be much appreciated.

1 Answers
Jean-Philippe Cointet Staff answered 7 years ago

It should now be repaired  ! 
Just re-run corpus explorer to see the new interface