Corpus Terms Indexer | ERROR 500 – Internal server error.

Cortext Manager Q&A forumCategory: Text processingCorpus Terms Indexer | ERROR 500 – Internal server error.
matias.milia asked 4 years ago

I am having an error message when trying to index a corpus with a list of terms. I get an error code. I attach a link to the screenshot and the exact text displayed by the browser. I hope it helps.

Here you can find the screenshot:


Could not parse script params, please retry. Error : 500 Internal Server Error

2 Answers
Luis Daniel Medina Staff answered 4 years ago

Hello Matias,
Sorry for the late answer. Hope I can still help.
This is an odd case. May I ask you to invite me to your project so I can have a closer look? My user is here:
Luis D

Lionel Staff answered 4 years ago

Dear Matias,
Thanks for reporting!
We are working on this issue, which is occurring when there is a huge number of textual resources (term list, dictionaries…) in a project. For now, in the scripts windows (SCRIPT SELECTED after clicking on the Start Script button), you just need to change the CORPUS SELECTED (by clicking on the change corpus >> button), and put back the wanted dataset. As the error occur randomly, it will work after one or two tries.
Sorry for the inconvehient