Distribution of cited authors

Cortext Manager Q&A forumCategory: Data explorationDistribution of cited authors
SLavau asked 4 years ago

I am working on a WoS corpus, doing co-citations mainly. I want to justify that the number of nodes (in my context 150) on the graph I am generating is large enough in the sense that I do not miss any important feature of the graph by limiting the number of nodes to 150. I did not find a way to generate a graphic visualization of the distribution of cited authors depending on their occurrence (frequency) in the corpus (using histograms for example). That would help me justify that beyond the 150th cited author (say), the frequency of citation is so low that it does not change the overall look of the graph. Is there such a feature available on Cortext manager?

Thank you very much

3 Answers
Lionel Staff answered 4 years ago

Dear SLavau,
Excellent question. There are three ways to achieve what you want to do:

  • The best way is to run a List Builder on Cited Authors. You will have two non-temporal statistics : frequency and number of distinct documents
  • • Use Structural Analysis on Cited Authors which is not, yet, well documented. But some statistic may be useful for you. Choose the Activate top nodes filtering for the whole period parameter on yes.
  • • Do it manually by downloading the SQLite database, an build a small SQL query to computer the calculation

I hope it helps!

SLavau answered 4 years ago

Merci beaucoup ! Cela me sera sûrement utile. In any case excellent job for what your team does to bring us Cortext manager.

SLavau answered 4 years ago

Merci beaucoup ! Cela me sera sûrement utile. In any case excellent job for what your team does to bring us Cortext manager.