how to export more than 500 entries at a time from WoS?

Cortext Manager Q&A forumCategory: Data processinghow to export more than 500 entries at a time from WoS?
orianabras asked 6 years ago

Dear colleagues,
WoS does not allow me to export more than 500 entries each time and my total is around 28000. Is there a way to export them all at once? Even if I do export them in savedrec.txt files of 500 entries each, how do I move them into one single file afterwords? Thank you so much for your help and I am sorry if I am asking too basic a question.

1 Answers
Jean-Philippe Cointet Staff answered 6 years ago

Dear Oriana, 
500 is indeed the limit imposed by WOS. 
This being said, it’s possible to download every single fine and then zip them in a unique archive that will get decompressed in CorText.