Network analysis: Journal-cited journal

Cortext Manager Q&A forumCategory: Network mappingNetwork analysis: Journal-cited journal
andy yeung asked 5 years ago

Hi experts, I am interested in seeing the journal-cited journal relationship as suggested by the Documentation. However, how should I read the output? There are many journals as nodes, journal and cited journal look the same… so how to distinguish?

Jean-Philippe Cointet Staff replied 5 years ago

Dear Andy,
Nodes from the first field should be lower-cased in the pdf version of the map, and show as a circle
Nodes from the second field should be upper-cased in the pdf version of the map, and show as a triangle

You can force all nodes to be use the same case if you search options in the node advanced settings, in which case the same label can be a journal and a cited journal and show as a down-pointing triangle
Hope it is clearer !

andy yeung replied 5 years ago

Thank you Jean-Philippe, now I got it.