Scopus RIS file is not parsable

CorText Manager Q&A forumCategory: Data processingScopus RIS file is not parsable
andy yeung asked 4 years ago

Dear experts,
I just registered into this system and tried to use the functions. I uploaded a Scopus file in .csv format, but that is problematic because the system says data got only one time-step. So I checked the Forum and uploaded another Scopus file in .ris format. However, this time the system says RIS file is not parsable. What should I do? Thank you.
Best regards,

Jean-Philippe Cointet Staff replied 4 years ago

Hi Andy,
It’s advised to download Scopus data as RIS format indeed. Have you made sure to archive the .ris files in one unique zip file before upload?

andy yeung replied 4 years ago

Dear Jean-Philippe,
Now I get it. After uploading the .ris file as a zip file, it worked.
Best regards,