Cortext Manager Q&A forumCategory: Network mappingTIME SCALE IN HETEROGENEOUS NETWORK MAP
matias.milia asked 7 years ago

It may seem as a silly question, but it would be really useful to tie each node to a year and a time period and to have this in the graphic. Went through the documentation but didn’t found a way to do so. So, can I add some sort of timescale to a heterogeneous network map? How should I do it?
Thanks in advance.

Jean-Philippe Cointet Staff replied 7 years ago

Hi Matias,
actually, you can treat time as a regular variable.
Time dimension should show in the list of variables as “Time”, or “ISIpubdate” (depending on the initial format of your data). If you have already performed a binning of years into intervals (using time_slicer), then the temporal field will be called “Periods”.
I hope this helps