Weight of coocurrences with an heterogeneus network

CorText Manager Q&A forumCategory: Network mappingWeight of coocurrences with an heterogeneus network
Beadavi asked 3 years ago

During a network mapping analysis of Keywords and authors coocurrences of a batch of references from the WOS, by specifying a weight on the sum of coocurrences, what exactly corresponds to the number indicated in the weight column of the gefx export?Thanks in advance

aleabdo Staff replied 3 years ago

Ni! Hello,

It should be, for a given term, the sum over every other term of the number of douments in which the two co-occur.

I’m asking the author of the script to confirm.


Jean-Philippe Cointet Staff replied 3 years ago

Hi Beatrice, thank you Ale for your first answer,
more precisely, nodes are assigned a weight parameter which is equal to the total number of times node has co-occurred with other nodes of the map by default.
If you set the weight parameter to frequency, then the weight of nodes (and their size in the final map) will simply scale with the total number of occurrences of nodes.
Note that, cooccurrences and occurrences count are “mostly” proportional.

1 Answers
Lionel Staff answered 3 years ago

See below!