Hard time generating an epic epoch plot

CorText Manager Q&A forumCategory: Time processingHard time generating an epic epoch plot
Khalil MEL asked 2 months ago

Hello, i’m struggling with an epic epoch plot although i think i’m following  the right instruction. I would appreciate some help.

steps i followed :  1. uploading data in a csv format here is a sample  : 

2004;Eggplant, Green pepper, Household processing, Profenofos, Residue, Washing solutions
2006;Anthranilic diamide, Anthranilamide, Insecticide, Insecticidal, Ryanodine, Calcium channel, Mode of action, Drosophila
2006;Electrolysed water, Pesticide residue, Washing methods, Vegetable
2007;Chlorpyrifos, Farmer field, Household processing, Supervised field trial, TCP, Vegetable
2007;GC-MS/MS, Olives, Pesticide, Washing
2008;Food process, Ultrasonics, Ultrasound and process

2. Parsing data 
3. conducting the analysis of the parsed data using the time epic epoch script.

1 Answers
Lionel Staff answered 1 month ago

Dear Khalil,
Hard to say without other information:

  • did you parsed the csv file using robust csv and ; as the column separator and , as the multiple values separator ? By default, robust csv is define to work with tsv (tab separated column) with a *** to separate multiple values in a cell.
  • when you have parsed it, did you define the right time field (Year) ?

otherwise, what you described should work straightforward.
I hope it helps,

Khalil MEL replied 1 month ago

I tried all the possible combinations but it’s not working, the parsing doesn’t work. I did use the data either with multiple words or a single word by row.

Lionel Staff replied 1 month ago

Could you invite me in your project? using: lionel dot villard at esiee dot fr ? 🙂

Khalil MEL replied 1 month ago

It’s done, thanks for your assistance.

Lionel Staff replied 1 month ago

I do not see any problem in your files. Please, zip your file before sending it to CorTexT Manager. See some examples directly in your project!
I hope it helps

Khalil MEL replied 1 month ago

Thank you very much for your assistance. I will try to follow your scripts. I got through the parsing part so far hopefully i will make it to the plot too.